كوسيلة تقييم عملية تعليم اللغة العربية الرقمية ISPRINGSUITES تطوير البرنامج

Firman Afrian Pratama, Huda Salah Rashid


Facing the modern era of society 5.0, which is called the digital era, like it or not, we have to prepare everything, especially in learning to teach Arabic, based on the help of digital electronic media. Everything in this digital era inevitably becomes digital, especially the Arabic language teaching and learning process. One of the Arabic language learning applications that functions as a medium for evaluating Arabic language learning. This research aims to develop ISPRINGSUITES media, a media for evaluating Arabic language learning at Jambi University. In order to increase the level of student interest in learning Arabic, this is tested through the Arabic language learning evaluation application ISPRINGSUITES which was developed. This research uses the R&D (Research and Development) method. The ISPRINGSUITES application has various question type features as follows: multiple choice, multiple response, true/false, short answer, numeric, sequence, matching, fill in the blanks, select from lists, drag the words, hotspot, drag and drop, likert scale, essay. The majority of students like the ISPRINGSUITES application both in terms of making it easy and simple and in terms of the advantages of the application features starting from image attachments, files, audio, video and various and interesting types of questions.

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