قواعد التدريس الأساسية وتطبيقها في تعليم النحو لغير الناطقين بالعربية

Nur Cholis Agus Santoso


This research discusses the application of the main rules in learning to teach nahwu for non-Arabic speakers, Nahwu is one of the most important branches of Arabic, with nahwu a person is able to understand the meaning of the conversation and what the speaker wants, it's just that many students consider nahwu as the most difficult subject plus in the application of learning the teacher does not carry it out properly because it does not follow the rules of correct learning. on this basis the researcher sees the importance of this study, in the hope that nahwu gets a good reception from students and is no longer considered a difficult subject, On this basis, the researcher sees the importance of this research, with the hope that nahwu will get a good response from students and is no longer considered a difficult subject, to complete this research the researcher uses quantitative methods and in analyzing the data obtained the context analysis method is used which is relevant to the theme, the researcher also strengthens it with the field reality that the researcher encounters. And after analyzing the data, some results were taken as follows: there are four main rules of learning 1) from something known to the five senses to something that is understood by the mind, 2) from something unknown to something known, 3) from examples to rules, 4) gradually from simple to complex. These rules can be applied in several discussions: 1) mentioning the sign of a word before the definition, 2) using the deductive method, 3) practicing vocabulary before the perfect


rules in learning, Nahwu, non-Arabic speakers

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