Application The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Skill Teach Learn Arabic In The Era Society 5.0
In the latest era of technology (ICT) becoming a necessity in various lines of life, teachers (especially Arabic language teachers) have a wider range of abilities, knowledge and insights related to Arabic and TPACK, the more maximal in the learning process the better the teaching. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a teacher's ability in the learning process. TPACK is a theoretical framework that integrates technology, pedagogy, and subject matter in learning. The use of technology in learning Arabic, one of the objectives of which is to master the four language skills (maharatul istima', maharatul kalam, maharatul qiraah, and maharah kitabah) which are very helpful in achieving the competencies expected both as learning resources and learning media. This study aims to examine the implementation of TPACK-based Arabic language learning and its use at MAN 2 Payakumbuh based on a search of sources (documentation and teachers and learning media) which are then classified and processed, interpreted and concluded. This research is a qualitative research by going through various stages as follows: first the researcher collects several documents and data related to TPACK secondly the researcher observes the research object (MAN 2 Payakumbuh) The three documents and existing data are then analyzed and concluded .
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