Memorizing By Singing Strategy in Learning Arabic Isim Isyarah Grade 8 at Alam El-Haqqa Boarding School Pekanbaru

Edo Kurniawan, Aninda Nurfadhilah


Language is a set of sound symbols that a group of people use to communicate and interact with one another. Learning strategies will differ from one teacher to the next depending on the teaching strategy used. A strategy is a pattern that is carefully planned and determined to carry out tasks or actions. Singing is a popular activity among youngsters, particularly elementary school kids. As a result, it is critical to design learning that is both meaningful and pleasant for pupils. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with mile and huberman information analysis. After the author conducted research on the application of the singing method in learning Arabic, especially at the intermediate stage, the conclusion was obtained that: The results of temporary observations after the author practiced the learning strategy regarding Memorize by Singing with Arabic as a subject for students at Alam El-Haqqa Qurani'c School were positive. Good. The author can see that the children are very concentrated in listening to the lesson and the children are also very active in singing along with the material that the teacher packages with unique songs.


Learning Strategy, Memorizing By Singing, Alam El-Haqqa Boarding School

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