Idiomatic Expressions in The “Ar-Rihlah” Animation Movie: A Semantic Study

Farodlia Laila Fikri, Imam Asrori


This article examines the idiomatic expressions contained in the “Ar-Rihlah” animation movie.
This study aims to describe the forms and types of idioms found. The idiom is chosen because of
its uniqueness which deviates from its lexical and grammatical meaning. Meanwhile, this movie
was chosen because of the use of fusha Arabic which is easy to understand, the application of
several idioms that are rarely heard, and the interest of various layers of society towards
Japanese animation as well as the relevance between the story in the movie and current events.
This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data obtained in this study are in the form and type
of idioms obtained from speech fragments of dialogues and monologues in the movie. Collecting
data in this study using not-taking techniques and literature. While the data analysis was carried
out using the Miles and Huberman interactive method. The results of this study indicate that
there are 75 idioms in the “Ar-Rihlah” movie with three forms: verb, noun, and preposition.
Based on the analysis of the idioms’ meaning on the movie, two types of idiom were found,
namely full idioms and partial idioms.


idiom; semantic; movie; Arabic language

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