AlifBee Platform: Fun Learning-Based Arabic Language Learning Solution in the Digital Era
The digitalization of Arabic language learning provides good opportunities for Arabic language
teachers and learners because they can access it without being bound by time using various
online platforms such as Alifbee. The aim of this research is to describe the use of the Alifbee
platform in Arabic language learning to create a fun learning atmosphere with very rapid digital
developments. Researchers used a qualitative descriptive approach based on library methods
with data sources in the form of books, scientific articles and the Alifbee platform as primary
sources. The results of this research reveal that the Alifbee platform is able to increase users'
motivation to learn Arabic because it provides practical and simple material. The Alifbee
platform contains fun learning elements because users feel happy when learning Arabic with a
practical learning level that makes users immersed in the learning atmosphere. However, the
AlifBee platform has a number of vital shortcomings, including the lack of user interaction with
native speakers, even though this is important in improving one's Arabic communication skills.
So, researchers recommend developing this platform to include massive native speaker features.
Full Text:
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