أسلوب المدرس اللغوي في تعليم اللغة العربية بمعهد الزهرى الكونتوري للتربية الإسلامية الحديثة (نيوماس جاوى الوسطى

Ade Ruswatie


The language teacher's style plays an important role in the educational process. It is
also a means of delivering materials to students. The teacher applied it in teaching the
Arabic language at Az Zahra Al Gontory Institute for Modern Islamic Education in
Purwokerto-Banyumas-Central Java. Because he was certain that the language
teacher's style could lead the students to achieve the designed goals.
This research is a descriptive field research with a qualitative approach, and the
researcher used observation and documents to collect data, or the data analysis method
came in three steps, which are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
After the researcher conducted her research, she obtained the result: The language
teacher's style in teaching the Arabic language at the Az Zahra Al Gontory i Institute
for Modern Islamic Education includes 5 elements, which are dialect, sound, word,
sentence, and speech

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