المقارنة بين الارتقاء والتنزيل في العربية والإندونيسية

Muhammad Hafidz, Muqimah Liwais Sunnah, Muh Sabilar Rosyad


Contrastive analysis is helpful in second language teaching because of several
assumptions: the more significant the difference between the first and second
languages, the more acute the learning difficulty. The results of the comparison
between the first and second languages are needed to predict the difficulties of learning
a foreign language. This research aims to compare the climax and anticlimax of Arabic
and Indonesian using comparative steps of Contrastive Analysis. The results of this
research are: 1) Similarities in Arabic and Indonesian climaxes a). There is no division
into both types. b). Both are language styles that contain words in order from lower to
higher. 2) Differences between Arabic and Indonesian climaxes: The words ordered in
Arabic climaxes have a more comprehensive range. 3) Similarities and differences
between Arabic and Indonesian anticlimax: the same as Arabic and Indonesian
climaxes, but the order is reversed from higher to lower in anticlimax

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