العوامل الداعمة والمثبطة لجعل البيئة اللغوية في جامعة سونان كالي جاغا مالانج

Isnainiyah Isnainiyah, Syarifatul Kaunaini, Nurul Hayati, Ahmad Syahrul Kamal


Learning Arabic is often faced with various obstacles that reduce interest in learning. This research aims to identify supporting and inhibiting factors in creating an Arabic language environment at IAI SKJ and offer solutions to overcome these problems. The research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. From the research results, the author revealed that the supporting factors for biah lughawiyah at IAI Sunan Kalijogo are students' great interest and desire to learn Arabic, innovative and creative learning methods and media as well as very comfortable and adequate classroom facilities. On the other hand, inhibiting factors include the lack of native Arabic speakers, difficulty understanding lessons, shyness, lack of use of relevant learning media, inadequate campus facilities, lack of practice in speaking Arabic, and lack of awareness of using Arabic. To overcome this problem, the author suggests steps such as making Arabic mandatory, forming a language community, using creative learning media, vocabulary, holding Arabic language competitions, and support from students who are already proficient in Arabic.


1; Arabic language learning, 2; supporting factors, 3; obstacle factor. 4; language environment

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