قيمة الحكمة البيئية في قصة قصيرة صديق اليرقات لدكتور سامي كيلاني: دراسة نقدية بيئية

Indah Rarasati, Moh Zawawi


Ecological literature aims to form a generation that cares more about the environment.
Environmental wisdom is one of the ecocritical studies that aims to shape the life behavior of
local communities in interacting with the environment. This research aims to describe the
relationship between the main character and his environment in the short story shodiq al-
yarqaat by Dr. Sami Kailani. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data
collection techniques use reading and writing techniques. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques
used by Miles & Huberman (1992), namely: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
After the data is collected, the next step is to analyze the value of environmental wisdom using
the views of ecological literature according to Endaswara. From the results of the analysis,
researchers found five forms of environmental wisdom according to Endraswara, including (1) a
respectful attitude towards nature, (2) an attitude of responsibility towards nature, (3) an
attitude of solidarity towards nature, (4) an attitude of love and concern for nature, and (5) an
attitude of not disturbing natural life in literary works.



Environmental Wisdom; Short Stories; shodiq al-yarqaat; Ecocriticism

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